... o que se faz para evitar o congelamento da água que as pessoas utilizam
nas suas casas?
(Pergunta: Jackson de Andrade e Simone Félix)
"Nos países frios não há caixas d´água externas, pois a água ficaria permanentemente congelada. Em seu lugar, pode haver caixas d´água de dois tipos:
- interna e com etilenoglicol (como o da água de radiador) para outros fins que não o de ser ingerida;
- interna com aquecimento (solar, por exemplo) para manter a água sempre acima de zero grau para ser bebida. Isto é, o efeito anticongelante é físico (simples aquecimento) e não químico.
Alguns truques do pessoal desses lugares:
How to Avoid Frozen Water Pipes
Avoiding frozen water pipes during the winter will save you the inconvenience of not being able to shower in the morning or wash a load of clothes in the event of freezing temperatures. Avoiding frozen water pipes is a matter of a few simple steps of prevention. Even in prevention, the pipes could still freeze. In that case, thawing frozen pipes is easy and takes only a matter of minutes.
Outdoor Water Pipes
1) Cut a thermal blanket to fit each water supply line in the home, such as those on the washing machine, bathtub, commode and outside water spigots. Measure the length of each pipe before cutting. Cut the blanket twice the length you need for each pipe.
2) Soak the blanket in hot water before wrapping around the pipe.
3) Wrap the thermal blanket two layers thick around each pipe. Wrap the blanket snugly, but not tightly, around the length of the pipe. Use an old shoestring or duct tape on the top and bottom of the blanket to secure the blanket in place.
Indoor Water Pipes
1) Heat with a small desk lamp for internal water supply lines such as those on the bathtub, commode, sink, washing machine and water heater. Use a desk lamp with an adjustable neck. Test for water leaks before you plug in the desk lamp. Plug in the desk lamp. Adjust the neck of the lamp so that it is approximately one inch away from touching the surface of the pipe. The heat from the desk lamp will be enough to prevent the pipe from freezing. Use an electric space heater on a low heat setting if you don't have a desk lamp.
2) Leave the pipes dripping at the kitchen and bathroom sinks and the bathtub overnight and during the day when the temperature is going to be significantly below freezing. Water won't freeze in the pipes when it is flowing, even at a slow rate.
3) Prepare an emergency bottle of water just in case you need it to thaw a frozen water pipe on an extremely cold morning. Heat the water from the emergency bottle in the microwave or in a pot on the stove to approximately 60 degrees F. Gently pour the water on the frozen pipe and allow it to conduct itself to thaw the pipe. Turn the water on slowly. If you notice a trickle of water, simply allow the water to thaw for a few more minutes before using the faucet to its full capacity.
Acesso: 06/07/2011
Leia + em:
http://www.unitedutilities.com/winterPrevention.aspx "
(Resposta: Luís Fernando)
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